Nineteen Candles

Actually, at no point in the past week did I have a cake with nineteen candles, but I did have cake that my friend baked for me! It said “Happy Birthday, Chiclee!” which was really sweet. So all week I’ve been celebrating my birthday this week. It was on Thursday, and it was raining and gross but also a really awesome day. I’ve actually had a social life lately, so not so much knitting. This is what I have on the second sock (picture via my iSight!)=: bluepinksock And also pictures of the blue hair for those that requested them. It’s kind of faded now but it won’t be all the way out for my sorority composite pictures this week, but oh well.bluehair1bluehair Off to knit!! 


I have Skype! My name over there is Chelseyblair

Got it so my mom (windows) and I (mac) could video chat. It’s great, and I get to see little brother tomorrow!!!!!

New Computer!

I just bought a Macbook!! I also installed a widgit that will let me post to my blog without having to open a webpage and things, which means more posts from me! Except, it doesn’t do pictures, but as I haven’t been finishing anything lately, that’s not a problem. What with classes, I’m still on the socks. But I will prevail!And soon I will rhasphodize about my English major crazy realizations and such, but at the moment it’s late. Good night, Blogosphere.

Something Unpredictable

Life has picked up significantly, so less knitting, I’m afraid. I did spend two hours today on the cuff of my sock (the cuffs look ridiculously long, because they need to stretch), and will cast on the second tomorrow.

I had a blast last night at my friend’s party, and hung out at Chi Phi (frat) for a little while too with some of my sisters. It was a wonderful night, and I’m much happier than I was this time last year in a lot of ways. I’m more in-transition now, with a lot of things and friendships, but it’s okay; I have so much to look forward to. So yay.

Pictures after I cast this sock off. :)