I Really DO Have a Camera and Other Things

There’s knitting in here, promise, but first of all, thanks to Google Analytics I found out that someone found my blog by searching “Can you swim with your nose pierced?”. The answer is yes. You need to wait a few weeks after it’s been done, and wash with antibiotic soap afterwards until it’s healed (2-3 months) and after that you’re fine. :D

Now then. I e-mailed Casey today, of Ravelry fame, to make sure I put my name on the list. I’m paranoid, okay? He said there are 2000 people ahead of me. TWO thousand. TWO THOUSAND! *Sigh*. That’s what I get for listening to Cast On a week late.

The Official Knitter’s Book Swap sign-ups end at 7:00 EDT tonight!

And guess what? I officially ordered the rest of my Kureyon from Yarnmarket. 102 and 207 are on their way! Debbie Bliss 300 is too, so that I can finish the fingerless mitts I started a few–

Actually, I lie. I literally had this revelation while writing this post: I actually need three more balls of Kureyon, not two. In addition to that, I accidentally ordered a skein I already had. Oops. So, I called Yarmarket’s customer service, but they’re closed. We’ll see what they say tomorrow. Hopefully they can cancel that order and I’ll send in a new one immediately. *crosses fingers*

Pictures of the Kureyon Squares I’ve done since last time I posted pictures!

Colorway 33, which reminds me of the Shrek Milkshake Lime and Violet were talking about


215: 040:

183 (sent to me by my LJ Secret Pal:

I’m working on 194 now, have 180 in the stash and will hopefully have three more coming. Sigh. I thought I was so much closer to done :-/

A meme, some pictures and a request

So, with the yarn I have right now, I only need five more balls of Kureyon to finish. That scares me and excites me all at the same time. I want to order the next five online as soon as I finish the ones I have, and i will be able to do so if my mother permits or if the credit card I applied for arrives soon. But with Europe in the works we have zero dollars.

I get that, I promise, but it’s SO annoying! I want stuff! Like, I put a few cookbooks on my amazon wishlist today for next year, but can’t get them now. Can’t get yarn. Can’t get theWaterproof Housing for iPod I want. Can barely get my book for the swap (but tis a necessity!). It’s annoying. I’m used to us being fairly able to afford things minimally, every once in a while something, you know? This is vaguely ridiculous, but will be nice in Europe I suppose.

On another note, I’m nearly done with the rewrites on my novel, and I really need someone dependable who’s a fairly quick reader to look at it. Would anyone be interested? Someone who’d be interested in working with me on this and maybe future things? It’s a YA novel…. Comment me if you’re interested!

Oh! I got my hair cut yesterday:

It’s my first time having any kind of bangs, ever, and I reallyreally like it!

Yesterday I finished a LR square, in 215. i have 184 on the needles, own 183 and bought one yesterday…. I don’t know the colorway, it’s dark brown with some reds in it. Pretty. My square is prettiful too, but my camera is dead and I’m to lazy to go get batteries :D

Looking at other people’s Lizard Ridges, I feel like I could just keep going forever, but I’m also excited about the prospect of having it DONE! I’m probably going to order from Yarnmarket, because they have good colorways for $8.35. I’m pretty sure it’s going to be: 194, (because of this square), 40, 214, 164 and one other but I’m not on the computer that has my basket. I think it was 207. I really like the new Kureyon colorways. At the same time, I see all the gorgeous ones they have and go: “I could make another row…. or another blanket to donate to Afghans for Afghans as done here

But then again, I’m ready to move on, and whilst I plan on donating to charity with my knitting through the club I want to form, it’ll probably be baby hats. It’s time to move on, and stop judging yarn stores by their Noro Kureyon stock….

Had Starbucks with my friend Seppy today. Was très excited that a lightly blended Javachip w/o whip is only three points on Weightwatchers I realized that my friends and I are starting to branch out, and won’t be home all summer any more. I definitely don’t want to be next year, although it is nice.

Anyway, a meme from Gabrielle and a reminder to sign-up for the Bookswap!

4 jobs I have had in my life:

1. Babysitting my mom’s co-worker’s kids. It was my first real babysitting job. Carl was eleven and severely ADHD, never shut up but we talked about Harry Potter. His sister was a strange duck, eight, too smart for her breaches (oh, I’m not southern. noooo) but over all a nice kid.

2. Receptionisting at my mom’s work. Not official, I had nothing better to do because I had a broken knee.

3. Calling alums for money at the school Phone-a-thon

4. Haven’t actually done it yet, but speaking at a few conferences about the whole disability. I mean, I’ve done break out sessions, but I’m the closing speaker at two this summer.

4 films I can watch again and again:

1. A Very Long Engagement
–I love it. I relate to the main character sooo much
2.A League of Their Own
3. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Widescreen Edition)
4. Rent

4 places I have lived:

1. Pensacola
2. Tallahassee from the ages of 5-7
3. Pensacola again
4. Atlanta

We moved house a lot the last time in Pensacola, and it was quite different from my first five years; promise.

4 TV series I watch:1. Grey’s Anatomy
2. House
3. Gilmore Girls
4. I guess…. Nothing, really
4 places I have been on holiday:

1. Orlando (many times)
2. Chicago (with my mom for a few days)
3. Willmington, Delaware (where my grandparents live)
4. New York City

4 things I do every time I am on the Net:

1. Check email
2. Read blogs
3. Go on Facebook
4. Read Livejournal

4 things I would NOT eat for anything in the world:

1. Bugs
2. Pasta that’s not lo mien. Don’t ask. Just picky.
3. Raw meet
4. anything that makes me gag

4 places I would love to be right now:

1. Back at school
2. Europe
3. With my friends
4. Somewhere exciting

4 people I tag, if they have not been tagged already:



okay, that’s it. and let me know if anyone wants to do the read the manuscript thing