Dear Me,

You are not a process knitter. Please keep that in mind when you try to cast on socks without checking gauge. All sock yarn is not the same. Hell, your needles weren’t even the same.  Do not think that you will have the patience to unravel or *shudder* cut the toe of your sock to fix ANYTHING.. You won’t. Will Not.  You also will not (got that) put away this yarn and move on to the pretty new blue yarn you bought in Pennsylvania.  You will meekly cast on a gauge swatch (though it is okay if you want to use the untouched ball) and restart these socks. And if you’re still knitting them during finals, you will have learned your lesson.

FO: Pink and Blue Socks

I think I’m finally in love with sock knitting. They fit. They’re pretty. Did I mention that they fit?I knit the top of the cuff, the last three rounds or so, with size eight needles, to keep them from being too tight. And they’re perfect. They’re Fortissma Sock, details hereIMGP1893I started them in January, but only just finished them thanks to the wonder that is higher education. And papers. But I was determined not to be on the same project that I was one at Christmas during Spring Break, so when I took a cab up to the post office yesterday, I spent five hours at the nearby Starbucks listening to podcasts. I came out with socks!  IMGP1885They’re toe-up (of course) with a heel flap, which in my opinion is the best of both worlds.Look, this one fits too:IMGP1894It’s so nice to have an FO. I must admit I love my mostly monogamous knitting ( I have a charity hat that I work on at knitting club), but it is nice to be done with something and move on.And move on I shall since I have next to no homework this weekend. It’s all during spring break :(

Posted in FO, socks. 3 Comments »

The One Good Thing About Today

Photo 6 The rest of today was a bunch of friend drama. sigh. Oh well. I may go knit for a while until my friend calls me to study.